Tuesday 30 March 2021

music video intentions

in my music video i would want to make something that represents youth crime and explore the ways that youth struggle with finance and ways to make money to live off, in the video i would explore topics such as mental health, youth crime and family traumas, i want to take the shots and scenes as if the viewer is looking into the characters life and watch her daily routine, i want the canted angles and mid shots mixed with long shots. for the actual video processing i would want it all to be black and white apart from the ending where everything turns to colour to show the development of the characters emotions and mental well being. for the music i want to use 'gimme shelter' by The Rolling Stones, i wanted to use this song as it would help explain the narrative and the hidden contextual meanings within my  music video as the song is a protest song and is ex laming in the song that he wants shelter from something to which i could make a reason in my music video for the lyrics. the costume design for the character is going to be a rough working class women with dirty and greasy hair. during the filming process i would like to have the actor look at the camera at long shots from far away so it starts to slowly break the 4th wall and make the audiences feel more involved in the video and get more emotionally attached to the character as in a normal video it might attract more potential costumers.