Tuesday 30 March 2021

music video intentions

in my music video i would want to make something that represents youth crime and explore the ways that youth struggle with finance and ways to make money to live off, in the video i would explore topics such as mental health, youth crime and family traumas, i want to take the shots and scenes as if the viewer is looking into the characters life and watch her daily routine, i want the canted angles and mid shots mixed with long shots. for the actual video processing i would want it all to be black and white apart from the ending where everything turns to colour to show the development of the characters emotions and mental well being. for the music i want to use 'gimme shelter' by The Rolling Stones, i wanted to use this song as it would help explain the narrative and the hidden contextual meanings within my  music video as the song is a protest song and is ex laming in the song that he wants shelter from something to which i could make a reason in my music video for the lyrics. the costume design for the character is going to be a rough working class women with dirty and greasy hair. during the filming process i would like to have the actor look at the camera at long shots from far away so it starts to slowly break the 4th wall and make the audiences feel more involved in the video and get more emotionally attached to the character as in a normal video it might attract more potential costumers. 

Friday 13 March 2020

masthead - name of the news paper
headline - heading of the news tells you what the news is on about.
subheading - smaller headings either explaining the main text more or a different story. 
page furniture - all the things that inst a picture or text relating to the story 
splash - main story 
main image - the main focused image 
copy - the text in the paper 
lead story - main story of the news 
stand first - introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, that summaries the article.
byline - who's the story by 
plug - promoting articles in the papers
dateline - the date it was published 
layout - the way its assembled 
colour - the coloured used 
font - the style of writing used, it can be serif
logo - the image that represents the brand 
puff - the shape of the price box or shape 
pull quote - quotation or excerpt from an article that is typically placed in a larger or distinctive typeface on the same page, serving to entice readers into an article or to highlight a key topic. The term is principally used in journalism and publishing.
off lead - a different story on the side 
skyline - a bit of text above the masthead 
price - the amount of money charged 
jump line - a link to the rest of the story, page number.                                                                                                                                                                                             
Does new regulations belong in democracy?

New regulations should be advised to be in use in the modern age. This is because with new ways of distribution through media sites and online shopping means anyone that can access a device that can  connect to the internet could buy anything online including over aged content such as a 13 year old buying a PEGI 18 game. However it may be to easy for under aged people buying over aged content, it still hasn't been shown that games can case aggression or any other attribute related to the. furthermore games with the old PEGI regulations can be wrong for the new generation as what would be classes as fear or violence could be different now with a younger audience being used to action movies and violence. 

Regulations within movies can be difficult as many can be wrongly rated and then been either shown to a too young audience or the film could be wrongly rated older, so new regulations within a democracy would be a good idea but with going on the theme of democracy now i think if the government were to change anything they should have a public vote for what it should do and what the new regulations should be. I think this would be a great idea because everyone has their own opinions so then it would be a lot easier for people to speak about what they think will be right. Also younger people should be ale to vote as well i say 15+ should be able to vote as this would effect them and the younger generations dramatically as it would mean what they could see and access or not. 

With the modern age we all live in new regulations should be put in place but not drastically and they shouldn't be changed, they should be updated and seen over about what could be done to help with new technology and new ways of living.  

Tuesday 10 March 2020


Livingstone and Lunt

They studied the work of OFCOM and regulation, there is an underlying struggle in the UK regulation between the needs to further the interests of citizens ( by offering protection from harmful or offensive material ) and the need to further the interests of consumers ( by ensuring choice, value for money, and market competition ). The increasing power of global media conglomerates have but regulation to risk.

BBFC ( BRITISH BOARD OF FILM CLASSIFICATION ) in 1984, the video recordings act put BBFC in charge of classifying all videos for home use. This is a governed by law and mandates that the BBFC ensure that all films are classified for appropriate audiences and show nothing harmful to the vulnerable, in particular young children, it is against the law to sell films without age ratings.

There is an argument that 'red top newspapers' such as the sun exploit the idea of free speech, the sun has developed a famously opinionated, confrontational and brash style which they believe appeals to their target audiences.

In the BBC news article today the headline was ' Italy struggles to cope with coronavirus lock down' the BBC achieve to sensationalise the virus by saying ' lock down ' which then suggests to the audience that its a major risk and that we should all be worried and fear the worse. Also they say that ' Italy struggles to cope ' again making the situation seem a lot worse then it actually is, this will make the audiences go into panic and read more about it as now they are draw in by it as they are scared and in fear if they get the virus. headlines like this is what is making the population go into a panic about stocking up their shelves and buying stores out right just so they can be prepared for when the self-isolate. The coronavirus situation is not a big enough threat as the media makes it out to be, in retrospect the virus is mainly feared because of what the media is influencing the public about. Also the whole page is about the virus and if you have the app on your phone for the news they have now a separate category for the virus.

The idea of 'press freedom' reflects the political context role of newspapers in the development of an educated electorate in the historical period in which mass democracy developed. Its expression in the freedom of anyone to set up a newspaper reflects the economic context of free market capitalism. these two combine to restrict regulation to legal (e.g. the libel law) and self-regulatory approaches.

- because no one knew about the virus in china the public thought to believe that it was safe, and then the doctor that brought up the problem of the virus but then he just died.

- The communist ways that the Chinese act and believe is why the virus spread and because of they couldn't speak about it at all.

- they restricted the press talk by silencing peoples voice and 'exiling' them and telling the country that they were caught with 'treason'.

- stops improvements to anything as every debate or action about to take place is governed by one voice or one view.

Political debates about the role of disinformation on online news and the influence of dark advertising ( especially political advertising ) may lead to some attempts to regulate social media companies, who are already ( by 2018 ) responding to these criticisms in ways that bring them closer to traditional publishers rather than transparent online platforms. Facebook, for example, has recruited staff to filter content and has introduced a system for throwing light on dark political advertising. However, the lack of centralised regulation of social media companies means that different companies have different response.

Leveson inquiry, public inquiry into the ethnics, culture and practises of the British press following the News international phone hacking scandal. Many celebrities were targeted during the scandal

The self-regulation of the newspaper industry is illustrated by the competing regulatory bodies - IPSO.

Monday 2 March 2020


old funding
- cover price
- advertising

new funding
- subscriptions
- sponsors
- paywalls
- events
- sales

The Sun is sponsored heavily Tesco with their advertisement down the sides and the top of the page the advertisement take up around 30% of the page, the daily mail has sponsors from holiday ranges to car sales and take up the sides of the page. The mirror has little sponsors with vans and another brand. I News has sponsors from strata, the advertisement is in the background.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

media industries
The decline of print media 
between November 2018 and November 2017 printed newspapers have declined by 10%. This is because online news storied allow the population to view the news on any digital platform, this means the news can get out a lot quicker and people can always get the news. The quality of the news online is a lot better then in printed news and can be seen more of and have link sin the paper to send you to the image or a different page tat is associated with the page. cost of print is more expensive then digital is and the printed news is more expensive to buy then digital as many news companies don't make the audience pay.

production,distribution and circulation

The production of news is in the hands of the newspaper journalists, editors and printer. Distribution of news is by the organisations that send newspaper to newsagents, who have some control over which publications get distributed, but no control over content. It is the producers who control the content.

The sun: Rupert Murdoch
daily mirror: Reach PLC
daily mail: Daily Mail and General Trust, Viscount Rothermere
times: Rupert Murdoch
daily telegraph: Barclay brothers
daily star: Richard Desmond 
daily express: reach PLC
financial times: Nikkei 
Guardian: Scott trust LTD 

Producer: someone who is creating the content. 
Distribution: how the papers or news gets around 
retailer: someone who sells the news 
circulation: how the news gets sent around and comes back around. 
owner: someone who owns a company or object 
editor: someone who proof reads the news and changes some of the aspects. 
gatekeeper: how information gets sent around and decides what information gets through. 
media concentration: a process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organisations control increasing shares of the mass media.
media plurality: concerned with ensuring the public are exposed to a range of different. 
freedom of press: Freedom of the press is the right to circulate opinions in print without censorship
democracy: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Click bait: this is when something is falsely shown. 

Search Results

Featured snippet from the webRichard Desmond

Monday 10 February 2020


- all games in the UK come with a PEGI rating
- pan European game information (PEGI)
- administrated by the video standards council since 2012 before then the BBFC
- These offer age recommendations and content descriptions
- First introduced in 2003 but has gone through many changes

 Minecraft story mode has limit its audience type and age by raising the PEGI rating of the game, this has limited its potential profit. By making it a PEGI 12 game it cant not be accessed by younger audience which the main game was made to be for. this means younger audiences who have owned the regular minecraft game will not be able to play the new game, limiting most of minecraft's audience for that game as mostly younger audiences play the game.