Thursday 30 January 2020


events - the events happening in the video is daily life the streets are living how they would in real life and not acting for the video its mainly daily life. she walks along LA streets.
issues - the issues in video involve violence, homeless, child crime, litter, social prejudice, urbanisation, multiculturalism, discrimination, individualism. 
social groups - social groups within the video are like the gang and the men listening to music on the corner of the street, also the kids running out of the cage area. able bodied and disabled, ethnic minorities.
individuals - Shara Nelson

Class - working class , homeless , low income area. this is represented with homeless people that can be seen in the video and also gangs and young children getting into violence and crime. represented through low income LA going through different social types.
 Age - diversity of age
Gender -  women, man, able bodied, disabled big men and women, small men and women. women shown to be the same as men.
 Ethnicity - multicultural, this is shown through the shots of mixed social types such as the man dressed in a tribal Indian outfit.
Disability - a man can be seen on a skateboard using it as a way to get around, there are also other disabled people in the video with an elderly woman in a wheel chair getting pushed down the street.

some idea around individualism are reinforced through the range of strong characters presented throughout the video.

the ideas of Capitalism and consumerism are also reinforced. the music video form is promotional product intended to sell the artist as a commodity in order to make profit. its success relies on the consumption of messages and values, to create empathy and position the audience to accept the artist and the meaning behind the song.

preferred meaning, the suggestion that we should feel empathy for social groups who experience discrimination and that we should accept a more vibrant and diverse community
what might effect the preferred meaning, this will depend on the demographic and experience of the audience. it may depend on the view of the artist and the social group audience belong to. 

Monday 27 January 2020

massive attack 
LA street life, range of different ethnic groups, focuses on those groups and other groups such as woman, disabled people, children, bikers, gangs, homeless and more. The music video is a single shot and follows the singer as she walks through the rough streets of LA. She is wearing full black with her hair tied back. most of the places she is walking along are covered in litter, with run down buildings and people in every angle of the shots, in every shot there is a diversity with the people in the shot that clutter the background, these people are blurred as the camera gets further away from them until you can only see a blur.

00:00 - a person spinning some metal balls in his hands at the start
00:10 - camera rises from the group to ascend up to reveal and gang with an aggressive dog barking at the camera.
00:30 - first shot of the singer as she walks by a shop.
00:56 - father and son walk behind singer after looking into a toy shop window.
01:03 - first shots of the streets clustered in litter and furniture
01:19 - disabled man on a skateboard crosses the camera angle then follows the singer
01:30 - homeless woman with a shopping cart comes into view behind the singer.
01:56 - market on the street from the road.
02:03 - camera pans left to show the end of the street and two men sitting listening to music out of a boom box.
02:07 - as the singer crosses the street a biker rides past her.
02:13 a church can be seen in the background and more bikers parked to the singers left on the side of the road.
02:29 - elderly lady comes in behind the singer as someone is pushing her wheel chair.
03:11 - a man dressed in a tribal Indian outfit on the corner next to a shop.
03:20 - open chain linked fence with a children's play mate strapped to the side of the fence appears to the left of the singer, children also run out of the fenced area as the camera gets into view.
03:36 - men drinking something out of brown bags, probably alcohol as its illegal to drink alcohol in public and they tend to put a brown bag over the bottle.
03:41 - butcher walks behind the singer into the shop with half a pig
04:06 - to people kissing to the left of the singer.
04:16 - the camera lets the singer over take it then pans to behind her as she carries on walking.
04:23 - two women start throwing some kind of veg at something to the right of the singer as she walks past.
04:38 - camera stops following the singer and lets her gain some distance then starts to follow her again.
05:08 - music stops but the video keeps playing
05:17 - singer walks down a road to the left and the camera stops following her.

Friday 17 January 2020

what games do you play?
- action
- horror
- strategy
- puzzle
- indie
- open world
- first person shooters

- home
- friends


- phone
- xbox
- PlayStation

just an escape and a good time waster, also a good way to keep in contact with old friends and have fun whilst playing the game.

gaming industry 
The gaming industry has reach over £230 billion and it keeps on rising, gaming has became that big that they have gaming conventions where people across the world can come and see the latest games and consoles that are coming out in the next year or so, at these events they can also compete at games for prizes and rewards for who is the best player. this is a big marketing scheme for all companies within the gaming industries as they present their new equipment and new things coming soon. They also sell merchandise for some games and you can even buy games there. The economic side of things is that early on in the mid 80's is when gaming and system started to become popular with people and people started buying systems over their own. However in the early 2000's is when gaming became big with better content and graphics coming in making it easier for players to get good quality content at home, PlayStation was one of the first consoles to have the better graphic out put and the better games and economical boasted Sony until Microsoft came out with the xbox 360 in 2006 with featured game which you could only buy or own on a Microsoft system, such as Halo and Gears of war. These games boasted Microsoft's economic well being so much that it over took Sony's PlayStation. Halo was a huge hit with over 5 games being produced and has a net worth of more than £5 billion, also the other title Gears of war has over 5 games made since release and with a net worth of £2 billion. Microsoft net worth is £750 billion and Sony's is $37.45 Billion. All modern consoles make it so you have to pay for being online such as xbox has their xbox live gold system when players pay so much money a month for online and PlayStation also do this with their PlayStation Plus which allows players to play online such as the xbox live gold.