Thursday 21 November 2019

advertisement - shelter

woman's rights poster 
This poster is for the woman's rights campaign, drawing on their faces, the audience is everyone, charity posters are usually out to make you feel for the people affected by the cause and tend to have many images and small info to get the audience engaged and feeling for the people.

persuasive language - the use of persuasive language position the audience to read the advert from a particular point of view .

Rhetorical question - the rhetorical question positions the audience to sympathise with people in this situation.

fear - the use of three individual, each with a different anxiety about their housing, creates a fear that this can happen to anyone and could happen to the reader.

typeface/font style - the sans serif font conveys the urgency of the situation which creates a sense of fear for each individual

shot types and angles - the close-up sand direct address of each character personalises each individual and emphasises their emotion.

colour palette - the red font connotes the danger of the situations they are in.

register/mode of address - the mode of address is serious and the lexis connotations a sense of hopelessness.

anchorage ( how do the images and the copy work together to create meaning) -  the placement of each statement above the character signifies that these situations could happen to anyone. The position of the text above the lips could signify giving people a voice.

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