Monday 30 September 2019

Big issue windrush ideologies
The big issue focuses on the best parts of the windrush and shows that throughout the cover and through the colours that are used. the main focus of the big issue doing a magazine on the windrush is to bring an acceptance and an understanding to the situation that had happened for over 20 years in Britain.

The audience would expect the big issue to write about the best parts of the windrush as they brought so much to Britain, the audience can see this from the front cover of the magazine as the contrast between the surrounding and the vibrant colours of the people show that they are the ones who brought life and difference to Britain. On the front cover of the big issue the mast head is covered at the bottom by the people making it seem that the windrush is more important the the companies logo and also can show that the big issue feels strongly about the windrush. The title of the magazine "windrush day" is presented in an worn out old illustrated text which can further be show as how old the problem is and how worn out people are about it. this can also be seen in the peoples faces on the main cover as they have happy and exited expressions whilst on the boat and as they get off the boat they start to realise how cold and the negative people welcoming them are.

The windrush big issue front cover shows the migration of Caribbean citizens to the UK between 1949 and 1971. the main focus of the front cover is the departure of the migrants. also the front cover of the big issue is using an old cartoon style which can indicate how old the windrush actually is now and pressing the issue of it more by using the title of "Windrush day" as in a day to remember what happen in that time period and realise whats actually happening to wind rush migrants today and how difficult it is for them to get anywhere or do anything to save the British making hundreds of copies of legal documents such as citizenship, how ever this was bad as now they don't have anything to get a job or passport with. so this image on the front cover is a pressing matter as that day is to remember what what happens and still happening. the colours of the clothing could indicate the vibrancy of exotic materials, foods and clothing into Britain and how the Caribbeans brought that. also the dull colours used for other objects that are not the Caribbean people are dull and over used based colours so the contrast of the people to Britain shows that they brought with them the vibrant light.

They have successfully combined ideologies and media terms as they express their view points using their own ideologies and then to express how other people feel and how they also feel about it they have used a media technique within the illustrations as they do express an emotion through out the picture.   

windrush, The big issue

Image result for windrush the big issueThe windrush big issue front cover shows the migration of Caribbean citizens to the UK between 1949 and 1971. the main focus of the front cover is the departure of the migrants. also the front cover of the big issue is using an old cartoon style which can indicate how old the windrush actually is now and pressing the issue of it more by using the title of "Windrush day" as in a day to remember what happen in that time period and realise whats actually happening to wind rush migrants today and how difficult it is for them to get anywhere or do anything to save the British making hundreds of copies of legal documents such as citizenship, how ever this was bad as now they don't have anything to get a job or passport with. so this image on the front cover is a pressing matter as that day is to remember what what happens and still happening. the colours of the clothing could indicate the vibrancy of exotic materials, foods and clothing into Britain and how the Caribbeans brought that. also the dull colours used for other objects that are not the Caribbean people are dull and over used based colours so the contrast of the people to Britain shows that they brought with them the vibrant light.

Friday 27 September 2019

Todorov narrative theory 

Image result for the big issue want a poverty fighting machineTodorov's narrative theory includes five stages to the theory which are  equilibrium,disruption,recognition,repair and then new equilibrium. you can use these or see them in magazines and posters such as the one shown, the first indication of his theory is the main title " want a poverty fighting machine?" the disruption is that of the poverty and the consequences of the poverty which is acknowledge in a modern society. The arrow at the bottom of the page would be the response which in the case would be the repair stage as it says that "its in your hands" indicating to the readers that they have to make that change in order to repair whats going on in this modern society such as the homeless,the starving and the unemployed. However this could mean the if you ever wanted a poverty fighting machine the  book is what you need as it says "its in your hands". also at the top right hand corner of the page it has some celebrities that are "in" on helping poverty this could be seen as the recognition stage as people are actually seeing whats going on and making a stand for what they think is right and are trying to help the people in poverty as much as they can.

teaser trailers - short, and little info but good cinematic
theatrical trailer - done by specialist production houses
official website - builds a release date gets closes and is only the start of the campaign
press junket - press releases, merchandising , media interviews
a few weeks before release - public blitz
production tie-ins and corporate partnerships (happy meal)
publicity stunt

Monday 16 September 2019

evolving media 
production: making the movie. creation of the the media product, before this stage finance must be sorted. development - pre production - production - post production. private investors in the UK. Hollywood gets their money from conglomerates.

jungle book 1967 production
the casting of the movie was shaped around the animated characters within the movie. they also had many animators in the animating stage just animating one of the characters. some of the music that was used is reused materiel from older movies and it had been just changed up for the setting and theme of the movie. the first part of the script was too dark for the younger viewers and had to be changed so Walt Disney took over the production team and told them what he wanted it more friendly, live, and funny. Walt Disney hired a man from a band to play Baloo. Harris (the singer) didn't think he could do it. once the actors were found animators started change the animations to look similar to their actors, Disney wanted the characters to carry the film in a creative way. he also cut out characters to make the story line more clear. the songs were created early in on in the development process. The most vital part of the process of making the movie was when Walt Disney took over because he wanted to change the ways his movies were making money and overhaul wants going on as from previous films he wasn't making to much profit of it so he wanted to change it and i think if he didn't step in and change it the movie wouldn't be as successful as it is today.

Image result for the production of The jungle book 1967Image result for the production of The jungle book 1967

Sunday 15 September 2019

The jungle book (1967-2016)

the advertising for both movies were very different as the 1967 consisted of animation and bright contrasting colours and looks very friendly clearly indicating that its a children's movies with the colours and lay out. Where as the 2016 version is more realistic in graphics and more darker rather than the bright colours on the 1967 poster ,also in the 2016 poster you can see all the characters in the movie and you can also see the main plot as Mogli is holding a torch in his hand showing it to king Loui. the main plot behind jungle book is the Mogli creates the forest fire with the torch. also in the 2016 version the characters are all looking at Mogli in a more curios way rather then in the 1967 version when you only see 3 characters and it doesn't give you much to view. 
Image result for jungle book poster 2016Image result for jungle book poster 1967

Friday 13 September 2019


iconography is an important aspect of genre. we expect to see certain objects on screen when we see a particular genre. The study of  proxemis  is useful when analysing the implied distance or position between the camera and the subject. mise en scene is a french term that can be translated into English as 'production' or 'staging'. i think the most important aspect of a magazine front cover would be iconography as it would draw in audiences that would recognise the different features of the magazines and the headlines in it. 


house style: the expression house style refers to the specific usage and editing conventions followed by writers and editors to ensure stylistic consistency in a particular publications ( newspaper, magazines, journals, websites, books). 

variety magazine

The front cover of variety magazine shows a dominant feature that shows throughout the front cover and that is power. How Cate is sitting on the stool suggest that same feeling of power as she is not facing the camera rather facing towards the light and leaning over as if she was going to talk to someone, the way she sits could be linked with a masculine trait and hinting that she holds power within how her posture is presenting herself. The clothing she is wearing is similar to a revolution era uniforms, this could suggest that she wanted to give people the impression of power and revolution also the use of a suit jacket shows dominant power status and a sense that she wants people to know her power. The camera angle is slightly lowered giving her the upper ground this is associated with power as she would be looking down on anyone who would want to talk to her further emphasising the presence of power and meaning to Cate. with a basic colour palette of her clothing also shows that she is very professional in what she does and that could again further her power. She also takes up the majority of the front cover even the title is behind her which indicates that she is an important person. Furthermore the text “Cate in charge” expands the idea of her power. 

Thursday 12 September 2019

Image result for godzilla 1954

Art house 

A cinema which specialises in showing films that are artistic or experimental rather than merely entertaining. also can be know as a movie or film that doesn't have a big budget. An art house film could engage viewers by curiosity because a low budget film is interesting to watch to see how the the film was but together or made and could be there to inspire others and to engage newly developing film makers. An art house film is typically independently-produced, outside of the major film studio system. Major studios are reluctant to pour money into projects which are unlikely to return a profit due to the limited appeal of the material. Godzilla 1954 was a art house film that is rated 100% on rotten tomatoes.