Friday 13 September 2019

variety magazine

The front cover of variety magazine shows a dominant feature that shows throughout the front cover and that is power. How Cate is sitting on the stool suggest that same feeling of power as she is not facing the camera rather facing towards the light and leaning over as if she was going to talk to someone, the way she sits could be linked with a masculine trait and hinting that she holds power within how her posture is presenting herself. The clothing she is wearing is similar to a revolution era uniforms, this could suggest that she wanted to give people the impression of power and revolution also the use of a suit jacket shows dominant power status and a sense that she wants people to know her power. The camera angle is slightly lowered giving her the upper ground this is associated with power as she would be looking down on anyone who would want to talk to her further emphasising the presence of power and meaning to Cate. with a basic colour palette of her clothing also shows that she is very professional in what she does and that could again further her power. She also takes up the majority of the front cover even the title is behind her which indicates that she is an important person. Furthermore the text “Cate in charge” expands the idea of her power. 

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