Monday 30 September 2019

Big issue windrush ideologies
The big issue focuses on the best parts of the windrush and shows that throughout the cover and through the colours that are used. the main focus of the big issue doing a magazine on the windrush is to bring an acceptance and an understanding to the situation that had happened for over 20 years in Britain.

The audience would expect the big issue to write about the best parts of the windrush as they brought so much to Britain, the audience can see this from the front cover of the magazine as the contrast between the surrounding and the vibrant colours of the people show that they are the ones who brought life and difference to Britain. On the front cover of the big issue the mast head is covered at the bottom by the people making it seem that the windrush is more important the the companies logo and also can show that the big issue feels strongly about the windrush. The title of the magazine "windrush day" is presented in an worn out old illustrated text which can further be show as how old the problem is and how worn out people are about it. this can also be seen in the peoples faces on the main cover as they have happy and exited expressions whilst on the boat and as they get off the boat they start to realise how cold and the negative people welcoming them are.

The windrush big issue front cover shows the migration of Caribbean citizens to the UK between 1949 and 1971. the main focus of the front cover is the departure of the migrants. also the front cover of the big issue is using an old cartoon style which can indicate how old the windrush actually is now and pressing the issue of it more by using the title of "Windrush day" as in a day to remember what happen in that time period and realise whats actually happening to wind rush migrants today and how difficult it is for them to get anywhere or do anything to save the British making hundreds of copies of legal documents such as citizenship, how ever this was bad as now they don't have anything to get a job or passport with. so this image on the front cover is a pressing matter as that day is to remember what what happens and still happening. the colours of the clothing could indicate the vibrancy of exotic materials, foods and clothing into Britain and how the Caribbeans brought that. also the dull colours used for other objects that are not the Caribbean people are dull and over used based colours so the contrast of the people to Britain shows that they brought with them the vibrant light.

They have successfully combined ideologies and media terms as they express their view points using their own ideologies and then to express how other people feel and how they also feel about it they have used a media technique within the illustrations as they do express an emotion through out the picture.   

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