Thursday 5 September 2019

The history of media

from early ages of mankind to the present digital world , technologoy has formed and changed media in many ways. from as early as cave paintings to as late as facetime we have always advanced our communication skills to develop our ways of speech.

30,000 BC, humans used to communicate through cave paintings and rock carvings to communitcate with other people. They used symbols in their cave paintings and on their rock carvings to get messages across to other people.

1600 AD , this was the start of and idustrial age where cominiucation was as difficult as before the use prints for newspapers to get important messages across to the people living in the area. mass production of newspapers and leaflets were a big change in this era.

1800 AD , the begining and ning of the electronic age as light bulbs were being invented so was the telegraph , radio and mores code these were three new communication devices made to make communication easier for everyone and contact long distances in the 1800.

20th century, this was the age hand held phones and a huge wireless internet system linking everyone in the world together through their handheld communication devieces such as mobile phones and mobile computors (laptops) . this technology boosted humans socail and communication skills because now everyone across the world were talking to each other without the hastle of traveling long distances or waiting weeks for letters and telegraphs to come through because now people could talk around the world with a click of a button.

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