Tuesday 10 September 2019

peaky blinders season 5 trailer

Peaky blinders is set in the 1920 so all props used in the tv show will be historically accurate so the lighting would be dim and limited as show in the trailer. This also creates a dark and intense feeling within the trailer to create fear and shock into the audience. The use of panoramic shots makes the characters feel more ominous and it lets new viewers get familiar with the characters and old viewers get to see there progression throughout the trailer. Pyrotechnics were all timed with the music in the back group to contrast from the slow melodic music to dramatic explosions and fighting scenes. There's a shot where the camera zooms out from Tommy (the main protagonist) the camera is in a birds eye view and creates a sense of belittling the character as for once the camera is above high, also the spinning of the camera creates a sense of mental disorientation and loss of focus as he loses eye contact with the camera. As the trailer develops the action gets more intense and the shots fade in and out more frequently creating more of a sense of chaos. In one of the first scene the characters are walking down a street and the camera slows down into slow motion and you can see the characters and how they have changed.
Image result for peaky blinders season 5

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